Helen Chadima
Helen L. Chadima passed peacefully at age 96 on February 26, 2024, at her home in Iowa City, IA.
Dear Dance family: We wanted to share the news of Helen Chadima's passing on February 26, 2024, at the age of 96. While we share this news with solemn hearts, we also share the encouragement from her family: "Don't be sad or sorry, Heaven received the gift of a multi-talented kind spirit who lived a very blessed and happy life!" A Celebration of Life and reception will be held at 11 am, Thursday, March 21, at First Presbyterian Church in Iowa City, with a reception following.
An alum of both the University of Iowa School of Music and University of Iowa Department of Dance, Helen was a a faculty member and chair of the Department of Dance, a dance historian, choreographer and researcher, a performing member of UI Baroque Music-Dance ensemble, a clarinet, piano, and violin player, and all-around beloved artist and community member.
Dance Professor Armando Duarte wrote, "Helen Chadima was a colleague that I will always cherish; her caring, guidance and support were essential for the accomplishments of all faculty, students and staff in the Department of Dance during her time in the program. Particularly, I will always remember her kindness when she came to pick me up at the airport on my first trip to Iowa as one of the selected candidates for the T&T in Modern in 1992. She was so excited to talk to me; and showed me not only the department's facilities, but also a little of Iowa City, her Iowa. Her warm welcome, inquisitive questions and honest interest in my Brazilian heritage were keen to solidify my interest in the position. Throughout the years we became acquainted through our love, passion and interest about dance; and I learned so much while attending her classes and/or lectures. Also vividly remember the wonderful dinner parties at her house; Helen and Richard were always so great in entertain all of us in the department. I am forever thankful for the legacy and solid foundation Helen Chadima and the dance faculty of her time built to make the department of dance a remarkable program in the midwest."
Current department chair Rebekah Kowal says, "I will second Armando about Helen’s warmth and hospitality. I was hired to fill her big shoes as the dance historian on the faculty. From the moment I arrived, she made me feel at home, sharing her teaching resources with me and guiding my creation of an 'early dance history' class, which I had never taught before. She also gave me private Baroque dancing lessons and shared her spectacularly ornate costume and shoes with me. We had lots of fun dancing together and sharing our love of Baroque music. In later years, I have distinct memories of running into Helen in Iowa City as she made the rounds with her yoga teaching, especially at the Iowa City Senior Center. I will deeply miss her bright smile, spark, and generous heart."